Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Geary Interactive Co-conspirators in a very Criminal offense?

If perhaps a person complete something that you feel is in the best interests of your company and maybe break a few laws and breach a few contracts in doing so, are you liable for your actions? What if your business happens to be well known and a multimillion dollar one? Does that give you the right to do as you wish as long as it’s for the company’s good?

Geary is a well known company that provides high quality services to their clients only this one time, they seem to have made a big mistake.
Geary with the following as heads: Andreas Roell, John McKusick, Kevin Hawke, Michael Lindmark, Tyler Stample, Tina Wang, Marcella Pinto, Dennis Zocco, Yanii Gu, Shuz McKenzie, Ramsey Crooks, Mark Peterson, Casy Novak entered a five year outsourcing contract with Michael Turner on July 15, 2009. All was going well until on October 1, 2011, they transferred their outsourcing services to MEARA Interactive.
Why are we calling this a crime though?
Here’s why:
Who is MEARA Interactive? This company was formed on July 25, 2011 by former trusted employees of Michael Turner Harvest SEO namely: Antonio Agustin T. Rodano, Rex D. Cortez, Elmer B. Taboada, Al-Jedidiah A. Aquino and eight others as the original incorporators.
According to the Non Disclosure Agreement signed by these employees:
Upon termination, the employee shall not either as partner or as an officer, director, shareholder, or employee or agent or servant of any corporation or partnership, solicit orders from any customer of Michael Turner/HarvestSEO for a period of one year. (Section 3b).
At the time of separation, Geary was bound to a five contract with Michael Turner and was therefore still its client. However, Geary transferred its outsourcing to MEARA Interactive on October 1, 2011. Note that the contract was for FIVE years and to end on July 15, 2014.
Was Geary aware that the company they transferred their outsourcing was actually a former part of Michael Tuner HarvestSEO? Definitely. Note these disturbing emails sent by some head people of Geary to MEARA Interactive.
From Mike Lindmark- Chief Financial Officer of Geary to Gus Rodano :
“Is it possible to quickly transition all the people and assets to your management team? I have NO TIES to Michael whatsoever….I will sever that contract immediately and contract with your company if this can be done.”
From Tina Wang-Media producer of Geary to Ann Aquino:
“We are in full support of this transition.”
Aside from this clear conspiring between the two parties is the clear statement in the Outsourcing Agreement that Geary, Inc signed when they entered their contract with Michael Turner
For a period of 1 year following termination, the client (Geary )is not to hire or encourage leaving employment any employee, consultant or contractor of HarvestSEO. The client is also prohibited from hiring any employee of HarvestSEO for a period of one year. (Section 9.2)

Sometimes, even the biggest of companies make huge mistakes and miscalculations that may seem to be in their favor but in the long run prove to have negative effects. Geary is in no way above the law and therefore should be held liable for these crimes.

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